Thursday, April 5, 2012

Are We Creatures of God?

In other words, did God create the universe? Did God create man? Is there a creator God? It's easy to say yes if you're Christian or of similar faith. It's easy to deny it if you don't subscribe to such faiths. But such claims are usually based on simplistic reasoning, intuition, upbringing, parental and social influences, indoctrination of religion or lack thereof. Until the new millennium and the discoveries of the last couple years, our lack of crucial knowledge has kept the debate alive, with many espousing theories of Intelligent Design. That's the idea that our existence is so fragile that it requires a perfect set of laws and conditions, and the universe is of such complexity and balance that it could not have come into existence if it were not for an intelligent creator.

Science shows that energy can neither be created, nor destroyed. Thus it has always been, not come from anywhere.

Energy - the source of life and all the universe

Prior to Einstein's findings it was argued (and still is) that an unnatural creator god or spirit was needed to explain the creation of the earth, the universe and the creation of man. Energy is a natural force. All energy is nature. All nature is energy. Even our thoughts and feelings are expressions of energy that has organized as a mechanism for the preservation of a life form, us. A deity concept is no longer needed to explain the existence of the universe. That would raise the questions: Where did the deity come from? How does the deity exist? Why is the deity needed? Etc. All that leads to is more perceptions and fabrication that can't be substantiated.

It may be argued that the energy within everything is the deity, that we and the deity are one, which has similarities to Nature worship and Hinduism. For those intoxicated and addicted with deity, there is a need to cling on to one, to fabricate and worship a deity. If the Golden Calf concept is no longer sustainable, they will craft another to suit the times. The Biblical concept of deity, that which is not just the foundation, but the cornerstone of Muslim, Christian and Jewish beliefs, is now no longer sustainable. The truth is, energy is not God, but it has always existed. It is natural. It is nature in whatever form. It sustains life and it destroys it in transformations. It needs to be understood and respected. But to worship it, or any deity for that matter, is a sign of delusion and even fanaticism.

But how does that explain how the universe is so perfectly ordered for our existence? To have it all so tailored for us must have required an Intelligent Designer. Not really. The argument attempts to suggest that we are the purpose for the existence of the universe. However, all evidence shows that the universe has evolved for billions of years before man. Man is pure energy, a part of the universe, the creature that has evolved, transformed, adapted to it's environment rather than the environment tailored for it.

Are we creatures of God? The truth unfolds with every passing day.